The second “build” of the structural shell of your home occurs in the factory, ensuring the precision required to produce straight, weathertight homes. Because we build the shell of your home in a stabilized environment (wall panels, roof and floor structure, laminated beams, and sheathing), we are able to continue working through all weather conditions—making the most efficient use of time. It also means that our homes are built using premium, sustainably sourced materials, and to a high level of precision.
While the package is being manufactured, your local contractor is preparing your site and building the foundation, leveraging another advantage of prefabrication: time efficiency. The fact that these processes can happen in parallel is another advantage of prefab over conventional construction. Your builder will source local materials like concrete and gravel, as well as a team of experts to make sure the site and foundation are ready to receive the home component package.
“With prefab, everything is cut in a climate- and humidity-controlled factory environment. The pieces really will go together like LEGOs. When you’re done, you end up with a much more plumb, square house.”
Will S., Martha’s Vineyard, MA