Many prospective homeowners may not know what it takes to design and build a custom home. The romantic view of classic stick-built homes can give clients the idea that the only way to build a custom home is the old-fashioned way.
It is long past time to leave this view behind. The term “prefabrication” shouldn’t conjure up images of cookie-cutter designs or subpar materials. Instead, we’d like to challenge you to see prefabricated construction as a feat of precision engineering. Between the painstaking detail that goes into the work behind the scenes and the sophisticated beauty of the finished home, we think you’ll find that there’s romance in precision, too.
We’d like to invite you to take a deep dive into the precision of a high-quality prefab home. Here, you’ll see how the importance of maximum accuracy guides every step of the prefabrication process at its highest level, where the only corners being cut are perfect 90-degree angles. Let’s begin with the selection of the land itself and what that means for the next steps.
Works Sited: Taking Every Bit of Your Location into Account
Seeking out a high-quality home begins with seeking out a high-quality property. Rarely is this the dead-flat, wide-open, perfectly rectangular plot of land you’d find in an exurban housing tract. Instead, these parcels may encapsulate or abut bodies of water, varied terrain, old-growth trees, and irregular lot lines. Each one of these characteristics informs what will ultimately be your custom home, and accounting for them is essential to a home-building process that leaves nothing to chance.
Visualization Tools: Seeing Is Believing
We’ve all seen artistic renderings of homes that don’t live up to the finished product. With Turkel Design’s interactive design process, however, the home you envision is the home that is built. Throughout the design process, we use the latest in visualization tools to show you how your home will be sited on the land, views from each room, how material options will look, and how custom cabinetry will fit your lifestyle.
Turkel Design keeps you involved in this ongoing process to ensure that there will be no surprises along the way. We invite you to virtually explore your new home and see the results of each design decision. Once the design is complete, we offer a fixed-price quote for your building component package, which includes exterior and interior wall systems, roof and floor systems, windows, interior and exterior doors, flooring, cladding, decking, and custom built-in cabinetry.
Customized Design: Never Missing the Mark
Our firm has learned from experience that many of the alluring destinations for sophisticated homes also have rigorous local regulations for design review and permitting. Precise drawings and documentation help allay concerns that may slow down ambitious plans for new homes. The better prepared we are to answer your local decision makers’ questions about the design of your home, the sooner you can get the green light.
Once the design is permitted, we prepare the hardline drawings that define the details of your home, along with those required by your general contractor and the installers who will be assembling and finishing out your home.
Off-Premises Construction: A Controlled Environment
Off-site prefabrication of your building component package is critical to our pursuit of precision. While the package is being manufactured, your local contractor is preparing your site and building the foundation, leveraging a key advantage of prefabrication: time efficiency. The fact that these processes can happen in parallel is an advantage of prefab over conventional construction. Your builder will source local materials like concrete and gravel, as well as a team of experts, to make sure the site is ready to receive the home component package.
Traditional stick-built homes can face delays related to bad weather at the building site, availability of local labor, and conflicts between the architect and the contractor, which often result from poor communication. By preparing the building components in a climate-controlled factory and communicating clearly with the contractor throughout the process, we reduce the amount of time and frustration necessary to assemble the home.
Precision prefabrication also reduces waste. Because we know exactly what’s required for your building component package, valuable building materials won’t go to waste in the construction process. In a time when supply chain issues can threaten readiness for construction, that extra attention goes far in mitigating cost overruns.
Efficiently Flat-Packed Materials: Handling With Care
Our emphasis on precision doesn’t end at the factory. Attention to detail continues in transit as well. Flat-packing your building components isn’t just an efficient use of space—it’s also a safe way to ascertain that all parts arrive without damage. Additionally, tightly packing prefab home material is more cost-effective—you’re not paying to “ship air”—and it reduces the number of required trips to the building site.
Construction and Installation: It All Comes Together
This deep dive into the precision of a high-quality prefab home has taken us to its conclusion—one that still astonishes clients as they see the final stages. The time and effort that went into ensuring reliable precision pays off with a predictable and efficient assembly process.
Thanks to our comprehensive coordination with a vetted, dedicated local contractor, a prefabricated home can come together faster than a stick-built home. The accelerated speed with which crews can assemble a high-quality prefab house is due in large part to the meticulous documentation we provide, as well as our ability to guide clients through the local permitting process. As the installation of fixtures, appliances, and flooring continues, you can expect the same attention to detail that has brought your project to this point, thanks to clear communication between Turkel Design and the general contractor.
At Turkel Design, we believe that there’s beauty in the details, just as there’s beauty in what those details create: elegant prefabricated designer homes. By taking a systematized approach to home design and construction, we’ve brought the benefits of precision engineering to the world of elegantly understated architecture.